Our lab is preparing for a large scale ddRADseq project (~3000 samples). In doing the calculations for how many lanes of sequencing we will need to achieve our desired depth of coverage I am finding it difficult to get a consensus answer as to amount of PhiX spiked into a HiSeq lane.
When we spoke with Illumina directly, they recommended we spike 10% PhiX into our final libraries before sequencing. They also said that in the past more PhiX was needed for the older software to correctly identify clusters. When we talked to a sequencing provider they stated that they spike in 30% PhiX for ddRADseq libraries. This seems like a big discrepancy to me.
For folks with recent ddRAD experience, how much PhiX did you spike into your library?
When we spoke with Illumina directly, they recommended we spike 10% PhiX into our final libraries before sequencing. They also said that in the past more PhiX was needed for the older software to correctly identify clusters. When we talked to a sequencing provider they stated that they spike in 30% PhiX for ddRADseq libraries. This seems like a big discrepancy to me.
For folks with recent ddRAD experience, how much PhiX did you spike into your library?