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  • ==> magnetic bead separation magnet


    during the enrichment step with the OneTouch ES magnetic beads have to be separated. The protocol recommends a DynaMag-2, they are about $500! - Does anybody know of a less expensive alternative?

    I couldn't find an alternative with googleing.
    Does anybody know the magnetic field strength of a DynaMag-2?
    Are there any issues if we take a weaker magnet besides the separation taking longer?

    Thanks a lot in advance.

  • #2
    We use this rack from NEB for bead separation:
    This is the default text for fallback 404 continue text


    • #3
      Got one from IST Engineering ( - 6 sample size for $129. Works well and as it is opaque white the beads are very visible.


      • #4

        I am looking for a cheeper alternativ to AMPure beads which works as good as the AMPure beads purification.
        If anyone knows, please let me know
        Thanks in advance


        • #5
          Fridge magnet works, it will just take longer.


          • #6
            cheep alternativ AMpure beads

            Hi Jonny,
            What is fridge magnet works? How does it work? Where can i find a protocol?


            • #7
              Sorry Silvia, I was replying to the original post.


              • #8
                I use this protocol to make my own Ampure XP beads and have found they work as well as the commercial kit for a fraction of the price.


                • #9
                  this is not a nucleic acid capture. it's a biotin/streptavidin.

                  There are plenty of cheap magnets out there. Any tube magnet should work.


                  • #10
                    The protocol that Skamp recommends from ethanomics, which itself is a combined protocol from other published papers, works great in our hands and at a very very small fraction of the cost of Ampure beads. Agencourt is making a killing with the prices they charge.


                    • #11
                      Originally posted by genseq

                      I'm trying to develop a cheeper alternativ to AMPure beads and I've been using for this job variety homemade magnetic racks. This is much cheaper than brand-name racks. For example, Ambion® Magnetic Stand-96 costs $343. Its analogue (used PCR plate + magnets) cost me <$10.
                      I like your racks. How well did your 96 well plate setups work for .2 ml tubes? Are those the small rare earth magnets from the usual suspects (Harbor Freight, Grainger et al)?



                      • #12
                        epimag ht magnet plate

                        We recently purchased Epigenetik's Epimag HT plate magnet for prepping illumina libraries with ampure beads - at $199 it looked like a great deal at half the price of others, like the similar looking Ambion plate.

                        Sadly, in our hands, it was a very poor decision. Beads slid down the side after the pull down, the plate is not held securely relative to the magnets so everything moves around, and you lose beads very easily. Customer service later told us it doesn't work very well with standard conical PCR plates, rather you really need to use flat cylindrical flat bottom plates so the sample is closer to the magnet (what?). This is not what was advertised. After losing $50 shipping cost, six illumina preps(!), we faced a $50 restocking fee and return shipping to boot. Poor choice for us all around. We ended up buying the Ambion Magnetic Stand-96 and couldn't be happier aside from the price. Though the two look similar, the functionality is vastly different.


                        • #13
                          Originally posted by cdb3ny View Post
                          We recently purchased Epigenetik's Epimag HT plate magnet for prepping illumina libraries with ampure beads - at $199 it looked like a great deal at half the price of others, like the similar looking Ambion plate.

                          Sadly, in our hands, it was a very poor decision. Beads slid down the side after the pull down, the plate is not held securely relative to the magnets so everything moves around, and you lose beads very easily. Customer service later told us it doesn't work very well with standard conical PCR plates, rather you really need to use flat cylindrical flat bottom plates so the sample is closer to the magnet (what?). This is not what was advertised. After losing $50 shipping cost, six illumina preps(!), we faced a $50 restocking fee and return shipping to boot. Poor choice for us all around. We ended up buying the Ambion Magnetic Stand-96 and couldn't be happier aside from the price. Though the two look similar, the functionality is vastly different.
                          We are sorry to hear of your poor experience with the EpiMag stand. The EpiMag is designed as a perfect fit for flat-bottom plates. The conical PCR plate is an optional addition through the use of the included universal adapter, so you do not have to buy many different shaped magnetic stands. Utilizing conical PCR plates requires you to use the included universal adapter and thus you will need to shift the adapter/vessel against the metal rods. This is because the adapter needs to encompass all various types of vessels, including tubes.

                          Although we understand that the EpiMag may not have performed to your expectations for your particular project, we hope that you will come to find that the EpiMag is handy if you begin to use other shaped vessels in the future.

                          The restocking fee for non-defective items was not geared specifically towards you, but is standard even if you had requested to return the item within the original return period. If you wish to still make the return, please contact customer service. We would be happy to work out a compromise or alternative offer.

                          We appreciate your feedback, as it will help to improve our products and services.


                          • #14
                            If youare still looking, PCRClean DX is the choice.

                            Originally posted by Silvia Weidner View Post

                            I am looking for a cheeper alternativ to AMPure beads which works as good as the AMPure beads purification.
                            If anyone knows, please let me know
                            Thanks in advance


                            • #15
                              homemade magnetic stand for amplicon purification

                              Last edited by d00b; 10-29-2015, 12:55 PM.


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