Hello Everyone
I am new to R, and I am trying to use the bioconductor package rGADEM to do de nova motif analysis -
I would like to know what these commands do -
> pwd <- ""
> path <- system.file("extdata/Test_100.fasta", package = "rGADEM")
> FastaFile <- paste(pwd, path, sep = "")
> Sequences <- read.DNAStringSet(FastaFile, "fasta")
I am getting error messages when I run the last command , understanding the commands would help me overcome the frustration.
The error message I got was
(Call2("new_input_ExternalFilePtr", fp, PACKAGE = "Biostrings") :
cannot open file ''
In addition: Warning message:
'read.DNAStringSet' is deprecated.
Use 'readDNAStringSet' instead.
See help("Deprecated")
I am new to R, and I am trying to use the bioconductor package rGADEM to do de nova motif analysis -
I would like to know what these commands do -
> pwd <- ""
> path <- system.file("extdata/Test_100.fasta", package = "rGADEM")
> FastaFile <- paste(pwd, path, sep = "")
> Sequences <- read.DNAStringSet(FastaFile, "fasta")
I am getting error messages when I run the last command , understanding the commands would help me overcome the frustration.
The error message I got was
(Call2("new_input_ExternalFilePtr", fp, PACKAGE = "Biostrings") :
cannot open file ''
In addition: Warning message:
'read.DNAStringSet' is deprecated.
Use 'readDNAStringSet' instead.
See help("Deprecated")