I am in the process of de novo transcriptome assembly from a non-model eukaryote. I have 17 million 65 bp, paired-end reads that I have assembled with Velvet and then Oases. This gives nice results in that I am getting full-length contigs that appear reasonable when compared to orthologues in related model eukaryotes. However, I am really after relative transcript expression levels. Does anyone know if there as a way that I can get information on that from this software combination?
I am in the process of de novo transcriptome assembly from a non-model eukaryote. I have 17 million 65 bp, paired-end reads that I have assembled with Velvet and then Oases. This gives nice results in that I am getting full-length contigs that appear reasonable when compared to orthologues in related model eukaryotes. However, I am really after relative transcript expression levels. Does anyone know if there as a way that I can get information on that from this software combination?