new to the seqanswers community, I have started with NGS data (illumina) about 2 month ago.
We align with GEM (not published yet but quite good as far as we tried it), we tried Maq but is doesn't seem to work for the moment on our machines (says it is running but not writting anything ....), and I am currently running bwa at the moment as another test.
We want to use SAM format but we don't get how to use th flag field, is anyone having an exemple for us please ? I know bwa outputs can be converted directly but we would need to do it ourselves for the GEM output.
moreover, there is a question on the MAPQ field. we don't have any direct information about that I think. Can we infer it ? how is it calculated ? we have phred-based quality scores for each base.
thanks to the community.
new to the seqanswers community, I have started with NGS data (illumina) about 2 month ago.
We align with GEM (not published yet but quite good as far as we tried it), we tried Maq but is doesn't seem to work for the moment on our machines (says it is running but not writting anything ....), and I am currently running bwa at the moment as another test.
We want to use SAM format but we don't get how to use th flag field, is anyone having an exemple for us please ? I know bwa outputs can be converted directly but we would need to do it ourselves for the GEM output.
moreover, there is a question on the MAPQ field. we don't have any direct information about that I think. Can we infer it ? how is it calculated ? we have phred-based quality scores for each base.
thanks to the community.