I just ran the Nextera DNA sample prep for the first time, following the protocol with the exception of using a Zymo column instead of the spin plate. Input was 50 ng genomic DNA (nuclear and chloroplast, resuspended in 10mM Tris-Cl pH 8.5, integrity checked on agarose gel). The final yield was 0.5 ng/ul in 30 ul final volume (15 ng total library yield) as measured by Qubit. I can't find any posts or other indications of what a typical yield should be, but this seems low to me. I have not run it on the Agilent Bioanalyzer yet, as I am waiting to receive another DNA sample from a collaborator and run several samples at once.
Can anyone give me an idea of what a typical good yield is for Nextera DNA libraries? And any hints on what I could have done wrong if this is indeed low would be helpful, too.
Can anyone give me an idea of what a typical good yield is for Nextera DNA libraries? And any hints on what I could have done wrong if this is indeed low would be helpful, too.